
How To Delete Account :- is an social networking app that lets its registered users to make, edit and post short music on their app and let it share with friends and family. Some of the readers of our website has comment that they want to delete their account from account. When we studied about this topic than we find out that most of the app user want to delete their account because they do not want their email to be spam by company newsletter and some are using different app, website or software to make video or communications.

If your reason of deleting account is email spamming then we will recommend that you can either mark the mail as spam or unsubscribe from their newsletter by clicking unsubscribe button given at the bottom of the mail you received. If your reason is other than i will guide you step by step method on how to delete your account.


A Little Bit About Company app was co-founded by  Luyu Yang and Alex Zhu and it is one of the social networking app that can be access worldwide. According to may 2016 report this app is accessed by 60 million user worldwide and net worth of the app is around 500 million dollars.

How To Delete Account is currently working on a feature so that user can delete their account using the app function. This new feature may added in the future version of the app. Currently you can submit request to delete account from their database. The steps on submitting a request are given below.

Delete Account Through Website

  1. Go to the following url
  2. On How we can Help? Choose PRODUCT FEEDBACK.
  3. On Select Platform Choose between iOS or Android.
  4. On Which app do you have feedback on? Choose MUSICAL.LY.
  5. On What feature do you have feedback on? Choose OTHER
  6. Type your registered email-address with the website and on description type your want to delete your account and mention your honest reason for deleting the account and click on SUBMIT button.

Delete Your Account by Sending Mail

  1. Open your email account that is registered with account.
  2. Now compose a email and enter the email
  4. Now write an email regarding deleting your account sample given here and click on send button.

For more information on How To Delete Account stay updated to this website.