
how to add github to linkedin

GitHub is a code hosting platform allowing you to work and collaborate on projects.

Therefore, it shows recruiters that you have basic knowledge of software version control systems.

However, if there are no professional projects on your GitHub, tough hiring managers might disregard your profile completely.

The reason is that they would want to see your coding skills in a professional setting rather than something of a hobby.

Although, they could turn the other cheek and still go through your profile regardless.

If there is professional work on your profile, it can still be hard for a recruiter to differentiate between personal and professional unless properly specified.

So, is it a good idea to list GitHub on your resume? Let's find out!

Should you list GitHub on a resume?

GitHub should be added to a resume if it is relevant to the job description and if you have at least one good project on it. It shows that you are a good software engineer and that you participate actively in the software developing community.

If your profile is active, GitHub is a great way to demonstrate your potential and problem-solving skills that may be hard to do so through just a resume.

It gives hiring officials a clear idea of your technical skills and evidence of your software developing skills.

It also shows you contribute to open-source projects.

This is important because most software engineering companies use GitHub.

Overall, it is a good idea to mention GitHub on your resume.

With that in mind, where do you add it?

Where to put GitHub on a resume?

You can list GitHub with the rest of your contact details, in the 'Projects' section if you have other projects you want to mention, or in the 'Technical Skills' section. You can also add it in your professional summary or with your other sites.

Similar to LinkedIn, GitHub can be placed with your other contact details.

If you choose to add it in the 'Projects' section as well, you can first link your profile and then to a project in the 'Projects' part.

If not, add the URL of your project directly in the 'Contact' section.

The reason that it is important to link a project and not just your profile is that it may be confusing to navigate, and they should see the project directly.

When adding GitHub in the 'Projects' section, make sure to specify the project's name and add project details.

Underneath the project name and details, add the link to the project code.

GitHub on a resume example 1

John Doe

+1 234 567 891

[email protected]


University Search Engine

  • Developed code to optimize search results for a university search engine and generated an increase of 65% of traffic.
  • Project code:

Just like self-taught skills, you can have a 'Technical Skills' portion.

Add a line of description to each technical skill and then you can add the URL to one or two of your GitHub projects.

Once again, it is important to link to a GitHub project and not your main profile.

GitHub on a resume example 2

Jane Smith

+1 234 567 891

[email protected]

Technical Skills

  • Eclipse – 3+ years of experience
  • Xcode – 7+ years of experience
  • GitHub – 7+ years of experience (

If you want to add some detail about your GitHub experience, you can add it in your professional summary at the top of the resume.

Mention how GitHub contributes to your work or achievements.

Although, it would be better to save a GitHub explanation for a cover letter if you are asked for one.

GitHub on a resume example 3

John Doe

+1 234 567 891

[email protected]

Professional Summary

10+ years of software engineering experience, facilitating cutting-edge solutions through GitHub project collaborations. Gained experience through GitHub in developing user-friendly websites that generate an increase in engagement and traffic.

Lastly, if you have any other sites that you have published, you can dedicate a section to them and add your GitHub project URL there.

GitHub on a resume example 4


Now that you know where to put GitHub on your resume, here are some tips on how to make a GitHub project as presentable as possible.

Top tips for adding GitHub to a resume

Choose one relevant project to link to. Select a project (or maximum two) that is relevant to the job description and that is preferably a professional, not a personal one.

It is essential to link a project and not your profile because it saves the recruiter time.

Make sure your GitHub directory structure is neat .

Your directory structure is the 'umbrella' for all your files and folders so it should be properly organized for the recruiter to go through it with no difficulties.

Add a ReadMe file to help recruiters understand what your code does and how to run or test the application.

It should also be easy for the recruiter to open your project and navigate through it.

A ReadMe document can aid greatly in clarifying the purpose of the application and how to use it.

Keep in mind that hiring managers are busy and do not have the time to figure out how your project works on their own.

Don't forget to make the code easy to read

Clean up your code and make it as easy to read as possible in case the hiring manager just wants a quick look at the code you've written.

Not all recruiters go into the depth of GitHub projects, they usually use it only as a reference for coding abilities.

GitHub on a resume example 5

Jane Smith

+1 234 567 891

[email protected]

Professional Summary

5+ years of experience in program development with the ability to bring a diverse coding skillset. Creative in finding solutions and developing applications. Proficient in using GitHub to solve complex computer engineering problems.


Delta Application

  • Software update tracking system.
  • Project code:
  • ReadMe URL:

how to add github to linkedin


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